
    One Negotiation, Three Small Mistakes, and Resulting Litigation

    Imagine a relationship where two informed parties persuasively communicate their needs. They planned and considered the choreography of the deal and anticipated both the internal and external drivers required for success. Both sides forecasted acceptable probabilities to ensure mutual performance.  The deal closed in a short period of time, the contract was fully performed, repeat […]

    Tactics in the Technocracy: Tactic 5 – ASPD

    You have been there: you find yourself having to do business with someone who is rude, cuts you off, breaks the rules, disregards things outside their immediate interests, wings it on deals they voraciously pursue, breaches contracts with abandon but demands trust, is unable to empathize, and is totally indifferent to your asks in a […]

    Tactics in the Technocracy: Intro and Tactic 1: Ad Hominem Attacks

    As a run up to the final stages to publication of my third book, Tactics in the Technocracy, I am posting a tactic, explaining, how it is used, and how to handle it. As my readers know, I look at a negotiation as three systems: strategic – things we do prior to the negotiation; operational – things […]