You have been there: you find yourself having to do business with someone who is rude, cuts you off, breaks the rules, disregards things outside their immediate interests, wings it on deals they voraciously pursue, breaches contracts with abandon but demands trust, is unable to empathize, and is totally indifferent to your asks in a […]
September 2016
Tactics in the Technocracy: Tactic 4 – Anger
It has been a busy few weeks, but I am getting back to my weekly posts. This week we will look at anger. Real or staged, anger is potentially effective in adversarial proceedings. It is detrimental and even fatal to cooperative arrangements. It is not to be used in business partnerships, joint ventures, serial negotiations, […]
Case Study on Large IT Government Projects
Tactics in the Technocracy: Tactic 3 – Aim High
Aiming high is the standard of many an opener. The “opener” is the first signal a negotiator is ready to negotiate. It may be in response to an offer (or a “counter offer”). Though this may seem easy, it may not only undermine your credibility, but also terminate the negotiation entirely if used incorrectly. If you […]
Living in a Negotiated World
When the emotions of fear or greed take over, things go awry in both private and public sector negotiation. War making is state action historically done for security; trade making is state action undertaken when mutual opportunity is sought. Ultimately, very powerful Super Sovereigns such as the European Union or the victors of World War […]